Firefox View Download Progress

Firefox View Download Progress Average ratng: 7,7/10 3712 reviews

Jul 21, 2007  I can't see the progress on files that I'm downloading. When I save a file to download, it works when it's complete, but I have no idea when that is. I want to see the progress of the download but it doesn't show me. I go to tools, then downloads. But there's nothing there.

Show Downloads In Progress Firefox

Support for extensions using XUL/XPCOM or the Add-on SDK was removed in Firefox 57, released November 2017. As there is no supported version of Firefox enabling these technologies, this page will be removed by December 2020.

Add-ons using the techniques described in this document are considered a legacy technology in Firefox. Don't use these techniques to develop new add-ons. Use WebExtensions instead. If you maintain an add-on which uses the techniques described here, consider migrating it to use WebExtensions.

Starting from Firefox 53, no new legacy add-ons will be accepted on (AMO) for desktop Firefox and Firefox for Android.

Starting from Firefox 57, only extensions developed using WebExtensions APIs will be supported on Desktop Firefox and Firefox for Android.

  • When you start a download, the Firefox Downloads window automatically opens to help you keep track of files you download while using Firefox, including files you open and save to your computer. But sometimes you close that window (by mistake or on purpose) and then you wonder – how do I get that window back?
  • How to switch Google Chrome's download toolbar to notifications by Martin Brinkmann on July 31, 2015 in Google Chrome - 8 comments Whenever you download a file in Google Chrome, a toolbar is displayed at the bottom of the screen listing the file.
  • I have tried EDGE and would like to download it on my computer but all I seem to get is the try edge. Would to download it on my computer and create a desktop icon. Is this possible? If so where do I go Thanks Ben Edge Will not download any files in Browsers and Email Hi Have just installed windows.
  • Viewing download progress by nicklaus July 18, 2005 5:37 PM PDT. I accidently unchecked the box where I get a choice as to where it downloads a file to. If Firefox, Jonah's post above should.

Even before Firefox 57, changes coming up in the Firefox platform will break many legacy extensions. These changes include multiprocess Firefox (e10s), sandboxing, and multiple content processes. Legacy extensions that are affected by these changes should migrate to use WebExtensions APIs if they can. See the 'Compatibility Milestones' document for more information.

A wiki page containing resources, migration paths, office hours, and more, is available to help developers transition to the new technologies.

This example illustrates how to customize the progress bar displayed for a given download in the Downloads window.

First you need to overlay the Downloads window so that you can add a new stylesheet. In your file, add the following (replacing 'myextension' with the name of your extension's chrome package):

% overlay chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xulchrome://myextension/content/downloads-overlay.xul

In downloads-overlay.xul, reference the new stylesheet:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<?xml-stylesheet href='chrome://myextension/skin/myextension.css' type='text/css'?>
<overlay xmlns=''>

In, make sure that there is an asterisk in front of the entry for myextension.css so that it will be preprocessed. This is required since it contains platform-specific directives, as we will see.

Best blueprint software for beginners. The myextension.css file will look something like this:

richlistitem progressmeter {
%ifdef XP_WIN
min-height: 17px !important;
%ifdef XP_MACOSX
-moz-appearance: none !important;
background-image: url(chrome://myextension/skin/progress_bg_osx.png) !important;
richlistitem .progress-bar {
%ifdef XP_WIN
-moz-appearance: none !important;
background-image: url(chrome://myextension/skin/progress_fd_win.png) !important;
%ifdef XP_MACOSX
background-image: url(chrome://myextension/skin/progress_fd_osx.gif) !important;

Note: This file only supports Windows and Mac, but it would be straightforward to add support for Linux.

This is the product of some tweaking and experimentation, so perhaps there is a different and/or better way to achieve the same thing. We are specifying the height of the progress meter on Windows and a background image on Mac. The background image (the first one in the file) should be a segment of whatever you want the unfilled portion of the progress bar to look like. An image of 7 pixels wide and 12 pixels high seems to work well. The other two images are for the filled in progress bar on Windows and Mac respectively. Once again, a height of 12 pixels or so and a few pixels wide seems about right, though you might have to experiment with this a bit.

Changing the progress bar for specific downloads

This is all you need to change the progress bar appearance for all downloads. If you want to change it for certain specific downloads only, things get a bit trickier. In your overlay file, add a JavaScript file between the <overlay> and </overlay> tags:

<script type='application/javascript' src='chrome://myextension/content/downloads-overlay.js' />

The JavaScript file will look something like this:

var MyDownloadManager = {
defaultCreateDownloadItem : null,
init : function fdm_init() {
MyDownloadManager.defaultCreateDownloadItem = window.createDownloadItem;
window.createDownloadItem = function(aAttrs) {
var dl = MyDownloadManager.defaultCreateDownloadItem(aAttrs);
if (dl) {

if (..whatever condition you use to decide whether to change this download..) {
dl.setAttribute('myspecialdownload', 'true');
return dl;

window.addEventListener('load', function(e) { MyDownloadManager.init(); }, false);

In your CSS file, change richdownloaditem (both occurrences) to richdownloaditem[myspecialdownload='true']. Now your new progress bar image will only be used for the downloads with your special attribute.

Your Downloads panel and Library keep track of files you download while using Firefox. Learn how to manage your files and configure your download settings.

Table of Contents

  • 2See downloads history
    • 2.1Download protection

You can access your downloadsdownloads from your current browsing session by clicking on the Downloads button (the down arrow on your toolbar). The arrow will appear blue to let you know there are unviewed downloaded files.

  • During a download, the Downloads button changes into a timer that shows your download's progress. The timer changes back into an arrow when your download is complete.
  • During a download, the Downloads button gradually fills with color to show your download's progress.
  • Click on the Downloads button to open the Downloads panel. The Downloads panel displays your three most recently downloaded files, along with its size, source and download time:
  • To see all of your downloads, go to the Library by clicking on Show all Downloads at the bottom of the Downloads panel.
  • Click on the Downloads button to open the Downloads panel. The Downloads panel displays your three most recently downloaded files, along with its size and download status:
  • To see all of your downloads at any time, go to the Library by clicking on Show all Downloads at the bottom of the Downloads panel.

Firefox View Download Progress

Note: Your toolbar does not include a Downloads button when you have no downloads in your current browsing session. You can use the Library button on your toolbar to access previous downloads (see below).

Firefox View Download Progress Firefox

The Library displays information for all of your downloaded files, unless you've cleared them from your history.

  1. Click the Library button on your toolbar.
  2. Click Downloads in the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Show All Downloads at the bottom of the Downloads panel. The Library window will open showing a list of your downloaded files.
  • The Library displays information for all of your downloaded files, unless you've cleared them from your history.

Download protection

Firefox View Download Progress On Ps4

Before beginning a download, Firefox will attempt to protect you from potentially malicious or unsafe downloads. See the Mozilla blog posts, 'Enhancing Download Protection in Firefox' and 'Improving Malware Detection in Firefox' for more information. If something is suspected, the download will not begin, but rather:

Potentially malicious downloads are detected using Google Safe Browsing Service. A red dot will appear on the Download arrow:

Click on the red-tagged Download arrow to open the Downloads panel. The file name will be displayed along with the warning message,

  • This file contains a virus or malware.

Other files covered under download protection may be potentially unwanted downloads (explained in the Google Policy) that may make unexpected changes to your computer. Or, a download may not be malicious or unwanted but simply not commonly downloaded. A yellow dot will appear on the Download arrow:

Click on the yellow-tagged Download arrow to open the Downloads panel. The file name will be displayed with one of these warning messages:

  • This file may harm your computer.
  • This file is not commonly downloaded.

How do I handle unsafe downloads?

When you see a malicious file or other types of potentially unsafe files in the Downloads panel, click on the right-facing arrow to choose what to do with the file, as shown in this example:

You will be given more information about the type of unsafe file and the option to open or remove the file:

Tip: The (right-click) context menu includes other options for handling any potentially harmful or malicious files listed in the Downloads panel that are pending download:

For example: Right-clickHold down the control key while you click on one of the potentially unsafe files that are pending download and select Allow Download to save the file to your computer.

You can check on past downloads at any time. Click on the Downloads button (alternatively, click the Library button and then click Downloads) to open the Downloads panel. The Downloads panel displays your three most recently downloaded files, along with its size, source and download time.

Firefox View Download Progress

You can manage your files directly in the Downloads panel or in your library. Options will appear to the right of each file during each stage of the download.

  • Pause: You can pause any downloads currently in progress by right-clickingpressing Ctrl and clicking on the file and selecting Pause. When you want to continue downloading the file, right-clickpress Ctrl and click the file entry and select Resume.
  • Cancel : If you no longer need to download a file, click the X button at the right of the file entry. This button turns into a refresh symbol; click it again to restart your download.
  • Open the file: When a download has finished, you can click on the entry directly to open the file.
  • Open Containing Folder : Once a file has finished downloading, the icon to the right of the file entry becomes a folder. Click the folder icon to open the folder that contains that file.Show In Finder : Once a file has finished downloading, the icon to the right of the file entry becomes a magnifying glass. Click the magnifying glass icon to show that file in the Finder. To set the folder where your downloads go, see Change where downloads are saved, below.
  • Go to Download Page: Right-clickPress Ctrl and click on the file to bring up the menu. Choose this option to visit the webpage where the file came from.
  • Remove the file's entry: If you do not wish to keep a record of a particular download, simply right-clickpress Ctrl and click the file entry, then select Remove From History. This will remove the entry from the list but will not delete the file itself.
  • Retry a Download : If for any reason a file does not finish downloading, click the button to the right of the entry - a refresh symbol - to retry.
  • Clear Downloads: Click the button at the top of the Library window to clear the entire history of downloaded items. This will not delete the downloaded files.

File downloads are saved in the folder specified in Firefox OptionsPreferences. To change that folder:

  1. Click the menu button and choose ..
  2. In the General panel, go to the Downloads section find the Downloads section under Files and Applications.
  3. Click the button next to the Save files to entry.
  4. Choose the downloads folder you wish to use.

For more information, see Startup, home page, tabs, and download settings.